
教外之教导 Teachings Outside of Buddhism

发布时间:2023-11-05 13:37:45作者:诵读

  2-1-1-3. Teachings Outside of Buddhism 教外之教导


  There were many sects in India: some sects taught to lie roasting on fire so that defilements would dry up, some taught to lie on thorns to endure through the pain and torment that resulted from that, in order to get rid of defilements. Some sects taught to give up everything including clothes, a practice known as naked asceticism so as to induce the feeling that there is no self, no shame. It was believed that defilements would be dissolved that way.


  Altogether, there were many sects; but none of them could eliminate the defilements. This matter can easily be proven, as it is said that lying roasting on fire and drinking hot water will result in the heat burning off the defilements. In the old days, in the villages, when a woman gave birth, she would be laid down roasting above a fire and given hot water to drink. But the woman would still have defilements, showing that this sect din not achieve results. As for the sect that would have its followers give up everything and go naked, just look at a baby not wearing clothes. It still has moods and feelings; as soon as someone talks nicely, it laughs. And when someone scolds, it cries, whether naked or clothed. This shows that defilements are not in the body; they are in the mind. Therefore, to practice Dhamma we have to practice at the mind. I will tell you so you'll understand.


  I have been doing this: repeating a mantra such as Bud-dho, Samma Arahant, rising-falling, counting; 1-2-3. With these methods, one has to sit with the eyes closed and repeat a word while watching the breath, for example, saying Bud with the in-breath and dho with the out-breath. I've done quite a lot of this, but there was still satisfaction and dissatisfaction; greed, hatred and delusion didn't diminish.

  我一直都这么练习:重复念着“佛-陀(Bud-Dho)、圆满-阿罗汉(Samma Arahant)”等圣号,或念“起-落”,或数“1-2-3”等。用这些方法时,必须闭着眼睛坐着,然后注意呼吸,并重复着一个字句,例如:吸气时念“佛”,吐气时念“陀”。这些我修了很多,但还是有喜恶爱憎的分别心,而且贪、瞋、痴并没有减少。

  This kind of practice is called tranquility-meditation. Tranquility-meditation is not more than means to make the mind peaceful, but it is peace under the influence of delusion. It's just like putting a rock on top of grass: as long as the rock is on top of the grass, the grass can't grow: but when the rock is removed, the grass grows just as before, or maybe even more vigorously than before. It is true that there is no Lobha, Dosa & Moha when we're sitting alone, with the eyes closed; but as soon as we go back into society, like and dislike are born again. This is how it is! Going off to stay in a cave in a forest or the mountains, cannot extinguish suffering, just because of going to stay there. At first, I did it like that also.




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