
无上的庇护 The Exalted Refuge

发布时间:2023-11-02 11:51:32作者:诵读

  1-2-7. THE EXALTED REFUGE无上的庇护

  The Buddha teaches : ATTAHI ATTANO NATHO, self is the refuge of self. One cannot take others as a refuge. When you have all heard this, practice accordingly and don't stop at just being a person ; cultivate until you're a human being, an angel a Brahma god or develop your mind to be a Noble one.

  佛陀教导:" Attahi Attano Natho",自己是自己的依护,一个人无法依赖别人做庇护(自依止,不异依止)。当你听到佛陀说的这些话,就要依着去修行,不能只做个凡夫就满足,要修行提升到人类、天神、大梵天神的层次,或甚至努力修心成为圣者。

  A Noble one is one who is excellent, excellent because practicing well, practicing straight, practicing for the liberation of suffering, practicing appropriately to go beyond suffering, this is what is called a Noble one, an exalted one. Take oneself as refuge, develop oneself until one is a Noble one !


  The monks chant: SUPATIPANNO BHAGAVATO SAVAKASANGHO which means the group of disciples of the Blessed one, practice well. It means anyone, be it Mr. A or B, Miss. C or D, the monk E or F, the novice G or H : when practicing well, they are Noble ones.

  僧伽们所唱诵的赞僧偈中:"Supatipanno Bhagavato Savakasangho'是说世尊的圣弟子们是善巧的行道者。圣弟子是包括任何人,可以是A或B先生、C或D女士、E或F法师以及G或H沙弥,只要能善巧修行就是圣者。

  UJUPATIPANNO BHAGAVATO SAVAKASANGHO means the group of disciples of the Blessed one, practice straight, meaning practicing frankly, not lying, not deceiving. Not lying to oneself, not lying to friends or parents. Practicing straight regarding one's duties and work, for example, one is a teacher and has the duty to teach, or when one is a soldier or policeman, one has the duty to care for the country and bring criminals under control etc.


  ''Ujupatipanno Bhagavato Savakaasangho''是说世尊的圣弟子们是诚正的行道者,也就是老实修行不妄语、不未证言证、不自欺欺人——不欺瞒自己、朋友或父母,并依着自己的责任和工作诚正地修行,比如,老师有教书的责任,而军人或警察有保卫国家和捉捕罪犯的责任等等。

  YAYAPATIPANNO BHAGAVATO SAVAKASANGHO translates as the group of disciples of the Blessed one, practice for the overcoming of suffering. People these days, don't know suffering, they live with suffering, eat and sleep with suffering, wherever they go, they carry suffering along because they don't know suffering. An old saying says : to see hell as heaven and to see a circular saw as a lotus flower. For instance someone drinking out of depression, watching T.V., listening to songs or going to the races out of depression. It increases the depression, increases suffering, rather than solves it. A wise person won't do like that, he or she knows where suffering comes from ; if it comes from drinking, he or she'll stop it, if it comes from smoking, then quit it, if it is because of having too many clothes then cut down on them ! Human beings that enter the path of the Noble ones, deal with suffering like this. Having this kind of wisdom is called knowing the Dhamma as a means to go beyond suffering.

  "Yayapatipanno Bhagavato Savakasangho"是说世尊的圣弟子们是如理的行道者——即为求解脱诸苦而修行。现在的人不知道什么叫做苦,他们的生活带有苦,吃饭、睡觉带有苦,不管他们到那里通通都带有苦,因为他们不知道什么叫做苦。有句老话说得好:「人们把地狱看作天堂,把圆锯看作莲花。」举例来说,有人藉酒消愁、看电视、听歌或去看斗牛、斗鸡、斗狗的比实以解忧。这样只是增加忧愁、增加苦恼,而非解决之道。一个总明人不会那么做,他会去了解苦是从哪里来的,如果来自喝酒,他就停止喝酒,如果来自抽烟,他就停止抽烟,如果是因为有太多衣物,他就减少衣物。行于圣道的“人类”应该要像这样来对治苦恼。有了这样的智慧就称为“知法”——了解正法并依止正法做为解脱之道(法依止)。

  SAMICIPATIPANNO BHAGAVATO SAVAKASANGHO means the group of disciples of the Blessed one, practice appropriately. YADIDAM CATTARI PURISAYUGANI ATTHA PURISAPUGGALA means the 4 pairs or 8 kinds of Noble individuals. Individuals can be men or women.

  ESA BHAGAVATO SAVAKASANGHO means this is the group of disciples of the Blessed one. They are those individuals who know suffering and can be free from it.

  "Samicipatipanno Bhagavato Savakasangho''是说世尊的圣弟子们是如法的行道者。"Yadidam Cattari Purisayugani Attha Purisapuggala"是说世尊的圣弟子们是四双或八辈的圣者,这圣者可以是男人或女人。"Esa Bhagavato Savakasangho"是说这就是世尊的圣弟子们,他们知苦并且能解脱诸苦。

  So I'd like to ask all of you sitting here : When anger arises, do you feel at ease ? Answer : No. Question : Do you like anger ? Answer : No. Question:Then why do you let anger arise ? Answer : It arises by itself. Anger is no good, but we don't know it. Anger is a ghost ! Ghosts are right here ! Someone with anger is called a ghost, his or her face is like that of a ghost. In reality, anger doesn't exist but we just don't understand that !




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