

发布时间:2023-10-08 11:01:12作者:诵读

  Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道

  2-3. Stages of Practice 修学阶段

  2-3-3. THE BASIS OF PRACTICE 第一阶段:基础修习阶段

  (result : giving up wrong beliefs 成果:舍弃错误信念)

  What I'm going to tell you next, I remember from what teachers have told me. My father told me from the time I was a kid, I used to live on the paddy field with my father. He told me that every Buddha statue has the conciousness of the Buddha inhabiting in it, as big as a sesame seed. No matter, it's made of wood, silver, gold, brick, cement or glass, or if it has some sort of relics in it. When Buddhism is 5000 years old, it will be dark for 7 days and nights and those Buddha statues with relics in them, will fly up in the air and come together - I forgot where. Then those relics and Buddha statues scatter with a bang as loud as a gunshot and the conciousnesses inside come together to form a person : the body of prince Sidhartha and He will expound the Dhamma for 7 days and nights. Those who have the chance to listen to it and are wise, will be enlightened and realize Nibbana together with the Buddha ; those with little wisdom are compared with small, thin rice grains, they realize a lesser stage of enlightenment, depending on their level of awareness/wisdom, and some people listen but don't get anything out of it. That's what my father said.


  I used to think that having been born in this life, may I meet the Buddha when Buddhism is 5000 years old. I made merit, gave offerings and kept precepts no matter how difficult it was, I did it and kept thinking like that.


  My father also told me that when there is darkness for 7 days and nights, 5000 years after the time of the Buddha, it will be so dark that one can't see a thing, one won't know who is who, not even one's family members, amd there will be a famine, people won't have food to eat and water to drink ; anything that's there is fought over and people get killed, fathers will eat their sons and sons will eat their fathers, husbands will eat their wives and wives will eat their husbands.



  This is the kind of story that people in the old days would tell each other. When I started developing awareness according to this method of making use of movements, that I have been teaching, I got real knowledge and realisation ; before I didn't know this. I made merit but didn't know what merit was, I really didn't know, I thought that after death, I would get reborn in heaven, up in the sky and what it would be like up there, I didn't know - that's how it was before. Until I started developing awareness ; turning the hand up and down knowing it with awareness ; moving the arm in and out : knowing it with awareness ; blinking the eyes or breathing in and out : know it with awareness ; whether the breath is short or long : just know it with awareness. There is no need to recite a mantra or say anything internally while doing it. Leaning to the left and the right, raising and lowering one's head, bending and stretching, moving about, swallowing saliva down the throat etc. or any kind of movement at all, no matter in what posture : know it with awareness in that posture. Wisdom arose from this and I understood Rupa-Nama.

  这是老一辈的人彼此相传的故事,在我开始依我一向教导的这个方法,利用动作培养觉性之后,我得到了真正的智慧和觉悟;以前我并不知道,所以我做功德但却不知道什么是功德,我真的不知道,我只是想:我死后可以投生到天堂,生在天空高高的地方,或想:那上面是什么样子?但我却不知道什么是天堂—我以前就是那样。直到我开始培养觉性:手翻上翻下时,用觉性感知它;手臂曲伸时,用觉性感知它;眨眼睛或入出息时,用觉性感知它,无论气息是短或长,只是单纯地用觉性感知它,不需持咒或在练习时心里默念什么,只是在左倾右斜、抬头低头、弯腰伸直、往来行走、吞口水,乃至所有任何动作时,不管是什么姿势,都用觉性感知那个姿势当下的动作。结果,智慧就这样生起了,而且我了悟了“色-名(Rupa-Nama, 身-心)”。

  Before I didn't know at all what Rupa-Nama was, I just knew it by memory, I really didn't know. Knowing has many levels, becoming successively deeper and different, namely knowing from memory, comprehension, realising and truly knowing. This last one is the real knowing !



  I would like to insist that this method of developing awareness made me understand Rupa-Nama. Rupa and Nama are connected ; I'll tell you about it. Before I knew this, I was sitting moving my hands when a mother scorpion with babies fell on my leg, I was wearing shorts ; I was still a layman, at the time. Normally, when something falls on me like that, I would brush it off straight away, but that time I didn't brush it off, I just watched it ; the baby scorpions ran all over my leg. At that moment, I saw that the scorpions were Rupa and Nama, and my leg was also Rupa and Nama, so I understood Rupa- Nama.


  Before that, I knew that form is impermanent, feeling is impermanent, perception is impermanent, volition is impermanent, conciousness is impermanent etc. I ordained as a novice for a year and a half, and another 6 months as a monk ; that was all I knew : knowing from memory, I could remember it but I didn't comprehend it, I didn't realize it, didn't really know it. But when I knew this time, I saw straight away that turning over the hand is Rupa and Nama.


  Next, I understood materiality acting - mentality acting (or Rupadhamma - Namadhamma). Dhamma is us, ourselves. Doing good and doing evil (or good dhamma and bad dhamma), are ourselves. And I understood materiality-disease and mentality-disease, I understood that there are 2 kinds of materiality-disease and mentality-disease : when our body is sick, for example, we have a headache, stomach-ache, we have a boil or a sore or whatever, it hurts and we feel it with the mind ; when the body is affected, the mind is affected too, this is materiality/mentality-disease ; with this kind of disease we have to go and see a doctor, who will give us medicine and look after it. But another kind of materiality/mentality-disease is called spiritual disease, the body is healthy, one can eat and sleep normally but as soon as someone says something, we become pleased or displeased : with this kind of disease, we have to go and find the Dhamma. I understood this much, at first.


  From that, I knew Instability, Impermanence and Non-selfhood ; turning the hand up and down is compelled by nature, blinking the eyes and breathing is compelled, whatever one thinks, it's all compelled. Dukkham-Annicam-Anatta as I comprehend it, are like this. Dukkham is inseperable from materiality ; Annicam means not permanent ; Anatta means we can not control things : things change by themselves. Imagine yourself to be a lump of meat, it is a lump of Dukkha ; know it for what it is ! When I saw like this, I reflected on the condition of grey hair, broken teeth or back pain when sitting for a long time etc. as Dukkha, but I say that that's not Dukkha ; that is Dukkhavedana, sadness, grief ; it is not Dukkham- Annicam-Anatta. Instability-Impermanence-Non-selfhood are the postures that's how I understand it.


  So I contemplated what it says in the scriptures that teachers have taught : to know with awareness the 4 postures of sitting, standing, walking and lying down when sitting : know it with awareness ; when standing : know it with awareness ; when walking : know it with awareness ; when lying down : know it with awareness. But the Buddha said this much is still not enough : He taught to know with awareness the minor postures as well, i.e. bending, stretching and making movements, any kind of movement ; know it with awareness in that posture, all the time. The most important thing is to know with awareness ; whatever happens you will see, know and understand - this is what I experienced. In practicing, you have to try not to have gaps : make movements continuously and develop awareness continuously, know with awareness all the time, don't talk and chitchat a lot.


  Having comprehended Instability, Impermanence and Non-selfhood, I understood convention. Ghosts, angels, hell, heaven etc. are suppositions. Know convention fully and completely. Ordaining and disrobing is convention, a Buddha-statue is convention. I know all about convention !


  Knowing that, I understood what religion is. Religion means teaching, something that goes into people's ears. But the real meaning of religion is all of us, people. There is a lot of convention ; that's why I said to know it fully and completely. Before, I used to think that the temples, the Buddha-statues or the scriptures were religion, that's what I thought. But when I started practicing this method, I realized that real religion is a person. As for Buddhism, it is awareness, concentration and wisdom. Buddha is the knowing ; the word Buddha translates as the one who knows, the awakened one , the joyful one - I understood it like this.


  After that, I knew evil and merit. Evil means stupidity, darkness or being heavy-hearted ; evil is to not understand things. Whatever people say : one believes the whole lot. This is what I understand real evil to be. But merit means to understand, it is something light. Merit is to be glad because one knows, one doesn't necessarily believe everything one hears. That my father told me there is a conciousness the size of a sesame seed in Buddha statues - actually it is in all of us people that there exists something that is able to be the one who knows, if we develop awareness in the right way, until awareness matures to be steadfast and perfect. This exists in men as well as women, regardless of the religion one believes in.


  Knowing all this is the result of developing awareness, the results are not things that have value in making a living. This concludes the basis of practice.



  Having understood all this, from Rupa-Nama until evil and merit, more knowledge arose ; I knew this and that until my head ached, whatever came up became clear, when telling others, they just had to believe it. Knowing like this, joy and gladness spring up, but it is delusion, one is no longer watching Rupa-Nama, instead one gets lost in the knowledge that one newly knows .


  This knowledge is the knowledge of defilements due to Vipassana, but at the time that these states of mind were there, I didn't know it. It's just like someone who's drunk : he won't listen to anybody, he will insist that he's not drunk, even though he gets more drunk, the more he drinks. Somebody who's crazy is the same : if someone says don't go or don't say that, he or she will go or say it all the more and if someone takes him or her to the hospital to see the doctor, that person doesn't want to go because he or she doesn't realize that he or she is mad.


  The more somebody has defilements due to Vipassana, the more he or she talks, explains and expounds by him or herself. I was walking and talked by myself, standing I talked by myself, or even talking in the mind without sound. Sitting, doing the rythmic meditation, I talked by myself ; this is the knowledge coming from defilements due to Vipassana. I didn't know it at the time. This is the cause of it.



  Therefore, I say that whatever may happen to anybody, whatever colours, lights, ghosts or angels you may see, that's not it ! I have experience, I know all about this stuff and I can confidently say that I don't believe anybody. But at that time, I still didn't know ; as I was doing walking-meditation, I saw a lottery number appearing, I really saw it clearly. What do you think of that ? Because the mind was thinking and I didn't see my own mind. Pacing up and down, and then I saw this big number in the sky, as big as my hand, turning around I could still see it ; I was thinking to buy a lottery ticket and get the first prize ! Then, I saw all my bones swaying, but fortunately I was aware. Instead of buying a lottery ticket, I sat down and pointed my feet to the number and thought : 'This is not real, my heel is real'. What happened is that the number vanished in a flash, it just happened by itself.


  In developing awareness : don't stop or let any gaps arise ; really determine to do it ! What I'm telling you is a warning : WHATEVER YOU MAY COME TO KNOW ; DON'T WANT IT, DON'T MAKE IT INTO YOUR FOCUS. Know Rupa-Nama, materiality acting (Rupadhamma)- mentality acting (Namadhamma). The Dhamma is us. Know materiality/mentality disease, know Instability-Impermanence-Non-selfhood, know convention, religion, Buddhism, evil and merit, that completes it.


  These things are objects of insight, they are of the level of Rupa-Nama. Other objects or 'insights' outside of that, are not the real thing : whatever it may be that you come to know, you must realize that that's not it ! Let me tell you that I deny it ! On seeing those things, let go of it and catch the feeling of awareness - this is how I teach and understand.

  这些所了悟的东西都是(能)观智 (insight, 内观智慧)的(所)观境,初阶练习阶段的所观境是属于色-名的层次范围,除此之外的其它所观境或从它们生起的层层观智(insights)则都不是真实的东西:所以不管你了悟了什么东西,你必须明白,那些都不是真的!我告诉你,如果是我,就不会相信那些!看到这些东西时,要放下,随它去,找回觉性的感知,这是我的教法与体悟。



  • 初识佛法

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